5 Email Marketing Tips

Email marketing is and has always been a really useful tool for businesses to keep in touch with their customer base. However, for email marketing to produce good results, lots of hard work needs to be put in! Blue Biscuit has put together these 5 tips for email marketing success:

  1. Subject Line
    Often, it is the subject line which determines whether or not a customer is going to open your email. Your subject line needs to make potential readers click on your email without a second hesitation. Set aside time to focus solely on coming up with ideas for an engaging subject line. Try to avoid overusing capital letters and exclamation marks as these will trigger spam filters.
  2. Validate
    Validation is a task that can often be overlooked due to it taking a lot of time. And, we mean A LOT! However, if you have a huge database that has been built up over many years, some of your data will be outdated and inaccurate. Sending to these contacts will result in bounce backs and low open rates. To avoid this, call your list and check they’re still around! Or, buy email cleansing services from an external company.
  3. Promote
    Promote your email through social media and on your website. Not only will this improve your open rate, but it may also encourage more people to subscribe to your emails.
  4. Embed Media
    There’s nothing more boring than a text heavy email that goes on for pages and pages. Excite your readers! Include pictures, videos, animations. Link back to your website and interesting news stories from around the web.
  5. Personalisation 
    Personalise your emails. For example, “To John” is much more personal for your customer to receive than “Hi there.” It is well known that personalised emails gain a much higher success rate!